Framework7 - DOM7库的使用3(Ajax、Get、Post数据请求)
作者:hangge | 2016-08-11 08:37
发送 Ajax 请求的代码格式如下:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
async | boolean | true | If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false |
method | string | 'GET' | Request method (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT") |
cache | boolean | true | If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache to false will only work correctly with HEAD and GET requests. It works by appending "_nocache={timestamp}" to the GET parameters |
contentType | string | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | Content type. Also could be 'multipart/form-data' and 'text/plain'. For cross-domain requests, setting the content type to anything other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain will trigger the browser to send a preflight OPTIONS request to the server |
crossDomain | boolean | undefined | If you wish to force a crossDomain request (such as JSONP) on the same domain, set the value of crossDomain to true. When true additional "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" header will be added to request |
data | Object or String or Array | Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. For POST requests could be FormData type |
processData | boolean | true | By default, data passed in to the data option as an object (technically, anything other than a string) will be processed and transformed into a query string, fitting to the default content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If you want to send a DOMDocument, or other non-processed data, set this option to false |
dataType | string | 'text' | The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. Could be 'text' or 'json' |
headers | object | An object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with requests using the XMLHttpRequest transport | |
xhrFields | object | An object of fieldName-fieldValue pairs to set on the native XHR object | |
username | string | A username to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request | |
password | string | A password to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request | |
timeout | number | 0 | Set a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request |
Callbacks | |||
beforeSend | function (xhr) | A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the XHR object before it is sent. Use this to set custom headers, etc | |
error | function (xhr, status) | A function to be called if the request fails | |
success | function (data, status, xhr) | A function to be called if the request succeeds | |
complete | function (xhr, status) | A function to be called when the request finishes (after success and error callbacks are executed) | |
statusCode | object | An object of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code. For example, the following will alert when the response status is a 404: |
任何 Ajax 请求都会产生全局的 Ajax Events。我们可以对其进行拦截并进行相应的处理。具体的事件如下:
Event | Target | Description |
ajaxStart | document |
A pre-request event that can be used to modify the XHR object before it is sent. Use this to set custom headers |
ajaxError | document |
Event to be triggered if the request fails |
ajaxSuccess | document |
Event to be triggered if the request succeeds |
ajaxComplete | document |
Event to be triggered when the request finishes (after success and error events are executed) |
$$(document).on('ajaxComplete', function (e) { var xhr = e.detail.xhr; console.log('request performed'); });
虽然 Ajax 方法功能强大。但通常在项目中我们会更经常使用 Get 或 Post 方法,毕竟用起来方便很多。
Dom7.get 方法样例如下:
$$.get('blog-post.php', {foo:'bar', id:5}, function (data) { $$('.articles').html(data); console.log('Load was performed'); });
4,Post请求 方法样例如下:
$$.post('auth.php', {username:'foo', password: 'bar'}, function (data) { $$('.login').html(data); console.log('Load was performed'); });
使用 Dom7.getJSON 我们可以通过 ajax 的方式获取服务器上的 json 数据,并自动转换成对象。使用样例如下:
$$.getJSON('items.json', function (data) { console.log(data); });